Friday, March 13, 2009


I think I've figured out the purpose of icons, at least for me. A few days ago, when I was feeling out of sorts, I decided to hang my goddess wall hangings I picked up in India in my bedroom. I now have Saraswati hanging over my computer table and Kali Ma hanging over my headboard. As an aside, in the two nights since Kali Ma has been presiding over my headboard, I've had very vivid dreams. Since I asked for guidance, I think this is interesting and not coincidental at all.

Back to the icons, it is a completely different experience being in this room for me, now. They literally bring the room to life. In addition to them being breathtakingly beautiful works of art, they focus my attention on the Divine. I know that everything is Divine all the time, but having a visual representation really brings it to the forefront of my attention.

A space doesn't magically change into Divine space when one hangs up a picture of a goddess and I'm not actually worshiping the goddess. It's simply a pointer, a visual cue to remind me. It's an extremely powerful one and shifts my attention to what's already there, all the time. I can even say it acts as a portal for me. It brings my energetics out of the subtle into the material. It also acts as a mirror. I see myself in the intricacies of the colours and shapes.

They come alive when I contemplate them and I can feel shifts in my gross and subtle energies. The space inside of me expands to include the entire Universe. They are my chariots. May I always be surrounded by such lovely and loving vehicles.

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