Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thoughts On the Eve

I'm all packed and as ready as I'll ever be. I'm shifting my wake/sleep cycle and I'll sleep on the plane.

For those that don't know, this trip is Gina Salá's River of Sound tour. I've been studying weekly with Gina since April and she's an exquisite teacher, both of music and spiritual matters. She is the most awakened person I've ever met and I've been blessed beyond measure working with her.

Monday night, Gina taught the first half of Spiritual Practices at CSL. She taught about using sound as spiritual practice and we did a good bit of chanting. As usual, I blissed out very quickly. During the break, I started jumping up and down and skipping around the room, hugging people and saying "I get to do this every day for 3 weeks!" I think that's when it finally started sinking in.

It's a wonderful class. I'm supported by the prayers of my classmates and I can feel them with me. The new connections I've made in just 3 short weeks are very deep.

A deep joy overcame me while driving to my Ayurvedic doctor's appointment Tuesday after work. I can feel my guides being thrilled with my decision to take this trip. They were giddy and I was getting a contact high :) I feel like I'm in the Universal Flow, and it feels wonderful. All is well.

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. (May all beings in all the realms be well and experience the true causes of happiness.)

Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi. (Peace in the physical realm, peace in the spiritual realm, and peace in the causal realm.)

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